Kindly hand over your child to our teachers and please refrain from entering the school. We kindly request that the hugging and goodbyes should be done at home or just before approaching the school. We understand the child will definitely cry, but without the presence of the parents, the child will be able to calm down sooner after gentle coaxing of our teachers and on seeing the friends who have arrived in school.

We would like parents to send their child early which is 8.30am. Please understand that our circle time which starts at 8.45am is a time where teachers do the sing along with the children and introduce new songs and inform them of the theme of the week and sometimes there are birthday celebrations. Your child will also miss out the story telling which incorporating puppetry, role play and acting. Late arrival of your child would also means that he/she will not be able to progress as rapidly with the reduced hours spend on our programme.

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